Monday, April 27, 2009


Did you go to the Mighty Mens Conference this past week-end? Have something to share with our online community? Click COMMENT below to add your testimony of God's goodness to you during MMC09.

1 comment:

  1. I only arrived at MMC 09 arround 19:00 on Friday night. Oom Angus service was already in full swing. I found our camping spot (Green camp) where my mates were camping and from there I walked to the stage. Now to find the right road to the stage in the dark was quite a challenge. You can see the stage lights, and hear oom Angus from everywhere but all the roads I chose seemed to lead away rather than to the stage. I eventialy found the right road and arrived at the stage. But then I stayed outside and did not go in.

    Saturday morning was great, the Holy Spirit moved. One of the things oom Angus talked about was faith. Little did we know that a few hours later we all would be tested when he was taken to hospital. Saturday night was amazing and it proved that when God moves he moves even when oom Angus was not there.

    I had to take in a lot of water during Saturday and Sunday (to prevent dehidration) because each time I walked into the stage area the tears started flowing.

    On Sunday morning God showed me my life was like my trip to MMC09. I could see and hear God's presence but were losing my way in stepping into it many times. And many times when I reach the stage where everything is ready, I just need to take the step and move into his precence, I stayed outside. When I moved into His precence the experience was indescribable.

    I have reached a new level in my relationship with God. One where I will spend more time in His precence than outside on roads that leads away from Him.

    I am looking forward to MMC10. I am also looking forward to see what the men do who attended this years conference. Remember you are men of promise and you have taken up a task.

    God bless you all


    PS Sorry about any spelling mistake I am a boer trying to communicate in the britse taal
